Our Office
Danielle Bracco has been with Bonds of Courage since 2014. In addition to the veterans outreach, service and leadership she provides to Bonds of Courage her work with the FRG in the Cavalry brings her close to Soldiers and families as she assists them with myriad issues related to life in the military. Her distinguished service as a volunteer has spanned more than a decade of work with veterans and the community. Prior to this work Danielle gave of her time to veterans organizations in reaching out to vets overseas. She has also served the Westfield Community as the Parent Teacher Organization President and Vice President and benefited a variety of charities, including Children’s Specialized Hospital as part of her work as a Westfield Junior Womens’ Club member and board member. Mrs. Bracco served with Rainbows, New Jersey, an organization focused on helping youth who’ve lost a loved one or experienced another traumatic event move through the grief process and learn to cope with life’s challenges.